How would it be

if just for today

we thought less about contests and rivalries,

profits and politics,

winners and sinners,

and more about

helping and giving,

mending and blending,

reaching out and pitching in?

How would it be?

– Anonymous, from M.J. Ryan’s A Grateful Heart

 Last week, David, Cristina and I attended a luncheon at Notre Dame hosted by the Northern District of the Baltimore City Police. They had invited regional clergy from many faith traditions to gather in order to connect and form relationships. Major Richard Gibson, District Commander, spoke to the assembled group. He reiterated the message that he delivered to the Wednesday Evening gathering at Redeemer several weeks ago. His goal is to empower his police to become advocates and supporters of those in the precinct. He is passionate about having his officers be perceived as good people and not bad cops. He admits he has been changed by the events since Freddy Gray and he now wants to be the agent of change for those he leads. Among other initiatives, he is encouraging his officers to do at least one unexpected good deed every day for the citizens they encounter.…and as we all know, that one action will only become a compounding habit with many good deeds daily.


He is also finding other creative ways in order for the community to redefine their perception of policing. This past weekend, the police station was transformed into a Halloween themed party that welcomed the neighborhood children. In addition, Redeemer was invited to donate adult coats. Betsy Willett is coordinating this effort and you have responded with such generosity!! The area around the Welcome Center is full of wonderful outerwear. His latest request is for canned foods so that the police can make up bags for families at Thanksgiving. These will go to those individuals in the community whose family member may be in jail or are having a particularly tough time. (The Women Who Wonder have offered to lead this effort with Leigh Lowe coordinating it. Playfully we are referring to this as “Women Who Can-Can”!) If you are interested email Leigh at  or me at The theory behind the coats and food is that that police will be the ones distributing them; they will be the ones that will benefit from the community viewing them in more positive ways. This approach is so exciting, positive, and hopeful for shifting perceptions and assumptions among all people.


Our role at Redeemer in this situation is “…helping and giving, mending and blending, reaching out and pitching in…How would it be if it was not just for today?”
