Many years ago, there was an advertisement by the US Navy recruiting office whose slogan was: “It’s not just a job, it’s an ADVENTURE!”  Several of my brothers signed up for the navy behind that slogan and retired later discovering that word to be true.  I think the same might be said for the times in which we live.

After reading both local and national news headlines recently I have come to the conclusion that LIFE is quite the ADVENTURE, once we accept it as part of the Holy Mystery of God.  Our consciousness and awareness of life (as we are living it out) can take on a different flavor and hue of majesty, delight, and great beauty when we accept it as mystery and learn to practice mindfulness so as to always be in the present moment.

I have been recently drawn to Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount in the gospel of Matthew and particularly the way Jesus describes us—as salt and light.  Salt carries multiple connotations throughout Matthew’s gospel as does light but the operative phrase rests upon our identity for the earth or world.  Therefore, my nature, as a follower of Jesus, is for those whose paths I cross each day.  My identity is grounded in my nature of salt and light for the world.  Jesus says so.

Now, as much as I would like to think I need to somehow act like I am salt and light, one lesson I am learning is that the word of GOD is true.  I already amYOU already are salt and light.  When we receive and accept that identity, we allow GOD to make life an ever-increasing mystery and adventure for us.  We may have little knowledge of where it is heading, but we are willing to trust in the process of the One who is the ground of our existence.  It is a different consciousness, worldview or map of reality for sure.

So, what might living adventurously look like?  It might mean living with courage and the willingness to be true and authentic to ourselves; even when it makes others uncomfortable.  It might mean the willingness to ask questions and not have an answer.  It might mean the willingness to speak up and live out of an identity larger than the one we currently hold.  Adventurous living always means making a conscious choice to resist bondage to feelings of fear, discomfort, anger or even hatred; by exchanging those feelings for the truth of the foundation of our identity—salt and light in the world.

We do this not because of ourselves, but because of our GOD and the fact that we trust that the word Christ has spoken about us is, in fact, true.  If I am salt and light in the world, I am certainly not fear or discomfort even thought I may feel fearful or uncomfortable sometimes.  I am NOT my feelings just like you are not your feelings.

If life is an adventure I can live with expectation and hope as easily as I can live with pessimism and worry…it is just a matter of perspective after all and NOT who I am.  I am free to choose a higher level of consciousness.

As members of God’s family, we have all we need to lean into the adventurous nature of life as it presents itself to us. We may be certain of life’s goal: to receive and transmit the LOVE and Goodness of GOD all around us.  I say we have what we need, but this does not mean we realize our true nature nor live out of it—at least I sure do not.  But I am learning some valuable lessons and thought I would share them with you since they are helping me to receive and live into the peace of Christ, more often.  Thank you for being fellow journeymen.  Life is truly an ADVENTURE!

Thanks be to GOD.
Freda Marie +